Studying at Calaton Academy

  1. Program objectives:

    1. Provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and experience from seasoned professionals in their field.
    2. Help students develop personal and professional qualities.
  2. Participants:

    1. Mentors: experienced professionals ready to share their knowledge and experience with students.
    2. Students: individuals seeking mentorship and support in their development.
  3. Duration of the program:

    1. 3-4 months and includes the following activities:
      • Reading recommended books (we have 3-4 books for each specialty that are required and several recommended).
      • Completing video mentorship programs (sometimes we recommend students take paid video mentorship programs). We plan to create our mentorship programs, which will become the foundation for each specialty.
      • Each student completes a series of tasks. This includes beginner tasks (e.g., setting up a GitHub profile for developers, creating an account in Figma for designers, creating an account in Jira for QA, etc.) and practical tasks to reinforce the theory from books and mentorship programs. Students also submit their tasks for review through their student portal.
      • Students meet with mentors three times a week for 30–40 minutes (adjustable as needed), where they can ask questions that arose during self-study and discuss practical tasks.
      • Students must log into their portal and submit a weekly update form, describing what they have achieved during the week, their plans for the next week, and any problems they have. This weekly update is available to their mentors in the administrative panel.
      • At the end of the training, mentors leave feedback for each student, and students leave feedback for their mentors.
      • Students' work is summarized, including activity, independence, initiative, and overall learning percentage. Based on demonstrated skills and available opportunities, top students may continue their journey with Calaton Systems as trainees.
      • Given the limited number of spots in the program, the results of the technical assignment will be decisive for enrollment.
  4. Expectations:

    1. From Mentors:
      • Dedicate time to students and be available for communication.
      • Share knowledge and experience with students.
      • Provide feedback and support to students.
      • Help students set and achieve their goals.
    2. From Students:
      • Be active and engaged in the program.
      • Complete tasks and adhere to agreements.
      • Set clear goals and expectations.
      • Learn and develop through the program.
  5. Program structure:

    1. The program may include:
      • Aspects of learning such as practical tasks, soft skills development, and personal development.
    2. The structure may vary based on participants' needs and capabilities.
  6. Evaluation:

    1. Program success is evaluated based on:
      • Feedback from mentors and mentees.
      • Achievement of set goals.
      • Participants' activity and interest.
  7. Confidentiality:

    1. All information discussed during the program is confidential.
    2. Mentors and mentees must maintain each other's confidentiality.
  8. Program completion:

    1. By mutual agreement between the mentor and the student, the mentor can terminate the program due to:
      • Student irresponsibility.
      • Failure to complete or ignore mentor's tasks.
      • Missing more than three group meetings.
      • Lack of progress over a long period.
    2. By mutual agreement between the mentor and the student, the student can terminate the program due to:
      • Personal reasons such as family circumstances, health issues, or a change in plans.
      • Disagreement with the mentor, differences in expectations, work styles, or personal issues.
      • Lack of motivation related to lack of student progress or insufficient feedback from the mentor.
  9. Feedback:

    1. Participants need to provide feedback about their experience.
    2. This helps improve the program and make it more beneficial for all participants.